Diocese of Madras
Our Cathedral belongs to the Diocese of Madras, one of the 30 dioceses of the Indian Orthodox Church with its headquarters at Chennai.
The Madras Diocese is led by H.G Dr.Yuhanon Mar Diascoros Metropolitan and it consists of Tamil Nadu, Andaman Nicobar islands, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Singapore. Even though the Diocese celebrated its Silver Jubilee and received ample recognition for its development, the unexpected division has caused to term the Diocese an infant again. The infant Diocese of Madras needs to have strong vision and planning. Spiritual Leadership and lay support is essential to build up to its desirable stature.
There are several mission projects undertaken by the Diocese like: Home for the differently abled, a Community Centre at Vellore that offers accommodation and guidance for those who visit CMC Hospital for treatment, Mission Centre empowering women and children at Thoothukudi, Centre for Rehabilitating HIV (+ve) patients, a school catering to the needs of the poor and the needy; to name a few.
Website: https://www.madrasdiocese.org/
Mailing Address
Bishop’s House 4/51, Rajeswari Street, Mehta Nagar, Chennai – 600029. Phone :044-64543128/23742462, 23746010, 23746011 Mobile :09447464090,09791020730(TN) E-mail : mardiascoros@yahoo.com, madrasorthodoxdiocese@gmail.com